Wednesday, July 26, 2023

What is this trailer (The Dark Fight game trailer)

What is this trailer (The Dark Fight game trailer)  Games Stars

What is this trailer that was published for the game The Dark Fight and why is the trailer so short and does not contain scenes from the game ? 

In this article, we will explain to you about this trailer 

Some of you asked yourself: Is this the last trailer that the company publishes for the game, or is it just an illustration of the game? Some of you asked yourself: Why is the trailer so short and does not contain scenes from the game?!

Today we will answer all the questions that are on your mind 

Some of you are right, and some of you are not 
This trailer is just an illustration of the game and confirmation that the game exists and is in progress. We cannot publish scenes from the game because it is under development. We will publish a trailer that contains scenes from the game when we complete the game by 75%, which means it is almost integrated. 

Percentage of those who say when exactly will the trailer be published. We cannot answer about this because there is no specific period. But perhaps the full trailer will be published at the end of 2024. This is not certain, but this is according to our belief. 

As for the game, when will it be released, we confirm and say we cannot say and we do not have any answer for this. We say according to our belief in the year 2025 or maybe more. 
We will inform you of the release of the trailer and the game when it is possible for us . 

Thanks for reading, I hope you understand our position now and understand what this trailer is and what its purpose is 

In our new article, we will publish information and pictures about the game 

What is this trailer (The Dark Fight game trailer)
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Games Stars